Saturday, January 6, 2007

To the Lady Who is Always Late

25 26 27 28
What size shd i wear!! Im late..

Damn the mobile layers of fat
Should have gotten rid of dat

Or atleast gained some controlling power
Over the latitude in which they hover

My life in shambles! standing at the 30s border
With a condition thats an apparel parallel to the multiple personality disorder

Damn that last cup of wine
Damn that revenue burning fine dine

Damn that old monk
He owns most of that lipid chunk

Oh..nd guess the color of my nail polish : PINK!!
In the conservative punju circles sure to raise a stink

A LBW appeal ..Im out plumb
My toe is sure to stick out like a sore thumb

So lemme wear something else ..Shoes!!
Another topic which gives me the Blues

Waist size : 28 Shoe size : 3 and half
Said HE I dont have this size and the least i cud do is laugh

Shoeless and nearing the era of pension
I look to heaven for some divine intervention

Waist size : 28 Shoe size : 3 and half
Said the Astrologer who couldnt resist a chuckle but who stifled a laugh

Getting Down to Serious business: 28 by 3 and half is equal to Eight
With this kind of luck me lady its no wonder u r always LATE!!!

1 comment:

Shivdas Nair said...

Divine intervention is here!!